Inbound Linking for Website Traffic

Use Directory Listings To Generate More Website Traffic Want more website traffic? Of course we do and we both know search engines play a major role. And, search engines like to see “inbound” links. In fact, how many sites link to yours is one of the most important measures for search engine optimization (SEO). Why? […]

Weekly Briefing – digital AIM

Website Trends & Tips What we think of as a website has changed. Long gone are “static” brochure like websites with infrequently updated content; replaced by dynamic, automated marketing machines. Read more at Aliza Sherman’s blog, Are Web Sites Obsolete Yet? Static verses Dynamic websites: Website Essentials for Small Business Owners Here’s an article we […]

Small Business Marketing Focus is Online

When times get tough, the tough get smart. A recent article from the “Independent Street” section of the Wall Street Journal pointed out the trends – online marketing is no longer a second thought for small business owners. According to the article, hard economic times are forcing more small businesses to become smarter marketers. Is […]

Why organic SEO is a priority over PPC

Organic search engine optimization (SEO) is considered a higher priority by most seasoned marketing pros when compared to pay-per-click (PPC) and other online ad programs, especially for branding campaigns. Here is one good reason why: ‘Heavy clickers’ distort online advertising The people clicking on your banner ads may not be the target audience you’re seeking, […]