Happy Holidays | Marketing

What Makes a Great Holiday Marketing Campaign – Tips

What makes a great holiday marketing campaign? There are several proven marketing strategies to consider to increase sales during the holidays. Below are just a few marketing tips for the holidays:

  1. Consider holiday-themed creative designs in your campaigns. It goes without saying that custom landing pages are beneficial for marketing campaigns; especially during the holiday season. The online competition is fierce.
    • A must have item on the page is a compelling “Call To Action” (CTA).
    • Coupons and special offers are almost required in today’s world; everyone wants a deal and many expect it. Consider both short-term (weekend, monthly) and long-term offers (1-year) as well as “early bird” specials, exclusive offers and free shipping.
  2. C0-branded landing pages are known to increase conversion rates and revenues. Ask your partners and affiliates to participate, where possible.
  3. Use consistent design on your partners’ website (logos, color pallets, text) to make a smooth transition between pages/websites. Create urgency by using exclusive promotions that convince your potential customs to take action.
  4. Leverage technology and cut your costs with dynamic creative. For example, when you update your creative on your website program it so the updated content appears on your partner’s or affiliate’s site as well. Make it simple for your partners to participate in your campaign.
  5. Make sure you have a post-holiday plan to continue the relationship with your new customers and prospects. Email campaigns post holiday work well in this case.
  6. Communication is key when working with partners and affiliates. Ensure your communications are timely and consistent.

Have marketing tips of your own? Please feel free to leave a comment below. Happy Holidays!

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